DS2 has been awarded a three-year, $4.9 million Small Business Innovation & Research (SBIR) Phase III contract to continue our software development work building out the next generation mission planning software system for USAF Weapons Planning. Our team of talented software engineers is thrilled to be given the opportunity to continue re-architecture and modernization of the legacy precision weapons planning software used by our combat airmen to defend our nation’s interest. The Next-generation Open Mission Systems (NOMS) approach infuses a modern, sustainable and extensible implementation of the weapons planning capability, improving and modernizing system interoperability, modularity, security, and usability. We are extremely grateful our USAF customer has entrusted DS2 to continue this vital work for another three years.

This Phase III effort encompasses weapons planning software capabilities in the Next-generation Open Mission Systems (NOMS) environment to support Strike Aircraft. Using a modern approach and state of the art technology, the warfighter is being given the tools necessary planning to eliminate any target. This R&D project expands upon a prototype that was developed in phase 1 and phase 2 of DS2’s Small Business Innovation and Research (SBIR) contract. The prototype is being taken to full production capability to offer the mission planner a sustainable and extensible implementation of the weapons planning capability. Our team will also work to continue the research and innovation of the previous two phases placing this work on the cutting edge of the mission planning world.
Our initial research focused on evaluating numerous architecture frameworks, standards, and products that could contribute to a viable solution. These solutions followed Next-Generation Open Mission Services (NOMS) enterprise guidance and supported an evolving design. DS2 built small proof-of-concept applications to determine the feasibility of several design possibilities, and explored various tools and techniques that would support dynamically documenting the design and Gateway Application Programming Interface (API). The results of our Phase I SBIR showed a viable approach to achieving the goals of a common Fly Out Model (FOM) service demonstrated in a proof-of-concept service.
In Phase II, the focus shifted to full development of a solution while also engaging with the mission planning community and FOM manufacturers to consume and incorporate their solutions. DS2’s goal was to leverage this technology to advance the capabilities of the Weapon Planning Software in NOMS. Additionally, DS2 aimed to establish a repository of knowledge through working groups and resources by creating FOM Development Kits (FDK) that aided in the development of FOM solutions in NOMS. These FDKs are instrumental in integrating weapons into the NOMS Solution. After the research in Phase I, DS2 developed a FOM API Gateway as a common service for the solution. The vision of creating a single gateway API for FOM calculations allows for a single-entry point for all consumers in need of FOM calculation capabilities in their applications. A standardized approach to FOM development and access in NOMS aims to reduce development costs, while simultaneously bringing together disparate capabilities that exist across FOM solutions. Our approach supports robust and rapid change to any weapon planning capability.
Our Phase III work will be focused on maturing the one-time prototype into a fully capable product. DS2 will expand the FDK solutions available to the weapon manufacturers to expand the functionality of Mission Planning Software. We will also continue to research and develop additional capabilities for the mission planning community, including automated testing solutions, bridges to legacy programs, and further leveraging of the new technology. DS2 is also working with our customer to accelerate delivery of these capabilities to the warfighter and integrate with the program's continuously evolving capability.